The Deal
All songs mentioned are ideal songs that if I succeed in acquiring the rights for the music, if I do not acquire the rights I will use other music.
Scene 1
The film opens with the song feeling good by Nina Simone with two boys running out of an old sort of cottagey house, getting on their bikes and riding them down a country lane, with shots of birds flying, rivers and plants. I will use a filter over the scene to show that the shots are in the past, the final shot will be of the 2 boys side by side riding down a small road, I will have the shot pan up in to the sky and look at the sun. As this shot will be very bright I should be able to fade the shot it to another shot of the sun and have it pan down (at this point the song kicks in with the trumpets) on to a similar road with two young adults driving two cars(nice cars, trying to have a Bentley and at rx8 as they are easily accessible by me) the shot will pan down with the shot level with the car windows so that you can see through the first car in to the second car showing the two men with sunglasses in a suits, looking happy.
The Song
The cars
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